Friday, September 17, 2010

Sharing Neo3D MAC databases

I just watched this video on sharing Neo3D databases on Vimeo.

"CineForm FirstLight color correction through Dropbox" -

When I went to implement the shared database I realized this was a Windows only solution as the script mentioned would not run on my Mac. I figured I would just manually change the location of the LUTs folder in Cineform prefs panel and have it point to my dropbox where I would store the LUTs folder and be done. It seams there is a(nother) bug in Neo3D Mac which does not update the location of the LUTs folder when you tell it too.

A work around for this is to move the LUTs folder to your dropbox, and then create a symbolic link to that folder and place the symbolic link in /Library/Application\ Support/CineForm/.

The way to create a symbolic link is this.

First move the LUTs folder to your Dropbox folder. In my case its in ~/Dropbox/

Open Terminal.
Type This:

ln -s ~/Dropbox/LUTs/ /Library/Application\ Support/Cineform/LUTs

Now you can share ~/Dropbox/LUTs with your friends and access it on your computer locally through the symbolic link.

On your friends computer, simply have them install Dropbox, and share the ~/Dropbox/LUT's folder with them. They will need to delete the original LUT's folder from /Library/Application Support/Cineform/LUTs

Be sure you are clear with them and tell them to backup their old LUT's folder just in case they need to extract old Databases from it.

Now have them create a symbolic link locally to access the Dropbox LUT's folder. Same command as before.

Open Terminal.
Type This:

ln -s ~/Dropbox/LUTs/ /Library/Application\ Support/Cineform/LUTs
